Configuring a New Database for BAM |
If you have selected Use same inputs for a machine option, the default option while installing Process Platform applications, then BAM is installed and configured to the Cordys System database configuration. The database entries of BAM and MDM are also created in the Cordys System Database Configuration. After successful Process Platform installation, assume that you have loaded Cordys BAM MDM Model application successfully and continue working with the Synchronization and Upload functionality. There is heavy load on the Cordys System database configuration, because you have huge amount of data in the BPM and BAM related tables. To reduce the burden on the database, you can configure a new Database to segregate BAM and MDM related database content from Cordys System.
- Uninstall the Cordys BAM MDM Model application. Refer to Undeploying Applications using Application Deployer for more information on uninstalling an application. The Cordys BAM MDM Model application is uninstalled.
Note: The table BAM_FILTERDPROCESS which stores the process information selected for synchronization in BAM administration is dropped. To retain the process selection, the table data backup should be taken. - Drop the BAM and MDM related tables from Cordys System Database Configuration after taking the data backup from BAM related tables (if needed) and run the respective scripts in the following order:
Component Application Path of the script file Scripts Cordys Business Activity Monitoring <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>\components\bam\database\dropscripts BAM_<DB VENDOR>_DROP.sql Cordys MDM (Drop MDM related tables if no other model is configured to the Database) <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>\components\mdm\dbscripts\repository MDM_<DB VENDOR>_DROP.sql The BAM and MDM related tables are dropped from Cordys System Database Configuration when the respective scripts are executed.
- Create a new Database Configuration, for example, BAM Repository. The new Database Configuration, BAM Repository is created.
- Create the BAM and MDM related tables in the BAM RepositoryDatabase Configuration and run the respective scripts as shown below:
Component Application Path of the script file Scripts Cordys Business Activity Monitoring <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>\components\bam\database\createscripts BAM_<DB VENDOR>.sql BAM_<DB VENDOR>_DATA.sql BAM_<DB VENDOR>_TRIGGERS.sql MDM <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>\components\mdm\dbscripts\repository MDM_<DB VENDOR>_TABLES.sql MDM_< DB VENDOR >_TRIGGERS.sql MDM_INIT.sql
The BAM and MDM related tables are created in the BAM Repository Database Configuration when the respective scripts are executed. - Replace the Cordys System Database Configuration with the BAM Repository Database Configuration in the following Service Containers:
- Business Activity Monitor
- MDM Hub Publisher
- MDM Spoke Publisher > Repository tab.
Check the "Use different database for application" option to enable the Database Configuration for Application tab in MDM Spoke Publisher.
- The Database Configuration in Application tab should point to the Business Process Management (Application) Database Configuration (Cordys System).
The Cordys System Database Configuration is replaced with the BAM Repository Database Configuration in the Business Activity Monitor, MDM Hub Publisher, and MDM Spoke Publisher Service Containers.
- Install Cordys BAM MDM Model application by following the steps below:
On CUSP, Click (Application Deployer) to open the Application Deployer wizard.
Click New. All the available applications which are not deployed are listed in the Applications List.
Right-click Cordys BAM MDM Model application and click Deploy to install the application. A page appears listing the selected application along with its dependencies and their deployed status.
Click Next. The Impact Analysis screen will be displayed.
Click Next, select MDM Model tab and do the following:
a. In the Deployment details tab, leave all options as is with default values.
b. Click Service Groups tab to configure the MDM Hub publisher and MDM Spoke publisher service groups.Note:
i. Click the zoom button next to MDM Hub Publisher. Select MDM Hub publisher that already exists and click OK.
ii. Click the zoom button next to MDM Spoke Publisher. Select MDM Spoke publisher that already exists and click OK.6.
Click the Database Schema tab and select the database configuration from Select Database Configuration drop-down list.
Note: The selected database configuration must be same as the one configured in the Application tab of MDM Spoke publisher service container (Cordys System).
Click Next.
Click Deploy button to proceed with the installation.
Note: Restore the backups taken earlier, if any.
The new database is configured.